Secret Death Touches PDF

By DIP Reviews | June 18, 2020

PDF Ebook Download! Secret Death Touches Program, by Robert Lawrence. Self Defence is most effective once you KNOW what you are doing! Combat is NOT Self Defence. Just taking a few lessons and moves Can Not prepare you for an assault ‘self-defense’ situation. This is the reality, ignored by most trainees, esp women, and children who sign-up for introductory programs.

A soldier never goes to war unprepared! How can you?! It takes a newbie to martial arts training at least 6 months to get better at flexibility, stances, postures and the crucial physical fitness and endurance required to be effective in combat ( I say combat, because a potential victim, soon to be ‘survivor), must be equipped with enough skills and strength to Fight Back! With Robert’s techniques, you can easily protect yourself from any attacker. Highly recommended!

Secret Death Touches PDF

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