The Lost Book of Remedies PDF

By DIP Reviews | July 14, 2018

The Lost Book of Remedies short review by Carl King (1460 Dogwood Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040). Hi, guys! I know you are interested in the old ways of doing things and incorporating that into your life. That’s why I want you to be the first to know about this. I’ve just printed 100 copies of what is probably the best book I’ve ever written: The Lost Book of Remedies. This isn’t available for the public yet. Only for a select few. Here’s What You’ll Find in it. My grandfather was one of the greatest healers in America, and I spend most of my life using his old remedies.

Most of the book is written closely following my grandfather’s life-long plant journal, which he used to treat thousands of people. The physical book has 300 pages, with 3 colored pictures for every plant and for every medicine. It’s made for common folk with no previous plant knowledge. Especially now that we’ve lost so much of it to history. That’s why in times of crisis, this book will save many American lives. When medicines will vanish, you’ll need this on your bookshelf.

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF

Lost Book of Remedies e-cover